
Tawarruq Cash Line-i

Islamic Cash Line Facility

A short-term Shariah-compliant financing to finance general working capital.

Work with A Current Account

Withdraw any amount required each time from your current account by issuing cheques provided the limit is not exceeded.

Only Pay for What You Have Financed

You’ll only be charged for what you have financed. 

Boost Cashflow

An ideal way to manage short term cash flow through immediate access to funds.

Important Information

Disclaimer of Prospectus

The Replacement Master Prospectus of ASNB dated 1 February 2020, Prospectus of ASN Imbang (Mixed Asset Balanced) 3 Global dated 16 September 2020 and Prospectus of ASN Equity Global dated 1 September 2021, (“Prospectuses”), have been registered with the Securities Commission Malaysia.
Please read and understand the content of the Prospectuses together with the Product Highlights Sheets which are available at the ASNB website (www.asnb.com.my), branches and agents. Unit will be issued upon receipt of the registration form referred to and accompanying the Prospectuses. Before investing, please consider the risk of investing as well as the fees and charges involved. Unit prices and distribution payable, if any, may go down as well as up. The past performance of a fund should not be taken as indicative of its future performance.

Statement of Securities Commision's Review

This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Securities Commission.

Disclaimer on Loan Financing

There are risks associated with loan financing. Please read and understand the loan financing risk disclosure (RDS) prior to investing via loan financing.

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