
List of Insured Deposits


No Deposit Product Name PIDM Product Code Deposit Type Currency
1 Statement Savings Account/ Affin Savings Vault/
A1addin eSaver/ Affin Flexible Savings Plan
0232CR0200000001 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
2 Savings Account/ AFFIN DIVENTIUM Savings Account 0232CR0200000002 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
3 Junior Saver 0232CR0200000003 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
4 Basic Savings Account 0232CR0200000004 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
5 AFFIN Gold 0232CR0200000005 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
6 Current Account 0232CR0100000001 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
7 Basic Current Account 0232CR0100000002 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
8 Affin Plus/ AFFIN DIVENTIUM Current Account 0232CR0100000003 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
9 Affin Gold 0232CR0100000005 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
10 CACPLUS 0232CR0100000006 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
11 CAMRTAR 0232CR0100000007 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
12 CAMRTAB 0232CR0100000008 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
13 CAHOMAX 0232CR0100000009 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
14 CAEPLUS 0232CR0100000010 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
15 Affin Smart Money 0232CR0100000011 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
16 CABUMAX 0232CR0100000013 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
17 Foreign Currency Account 0232CF0100000001 Demand Deposit Foreign
18 Normal Fixed deposit / My Second Home Program Fixed Deposit/ AFFIN Fixed Deposit Vault 0232CR0300000001 Fixed Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
19 Affin FD Plus 0232CR0300000003 Fixed Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
20 Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit /
My Second Home Program Fixed Deposit
0232CF0300000001 Fixed Deposit Foreign
No Deposit Product Name PIDM Product Code Deposit Type Currency
1 Statement Savings Account/ AFFIN Savings Vault/
A1addin eSaver/ AFFIN Flexible Savings Plan
0232CR0200000001 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
2 Savings Account/ AFFIN DIVENTIUM Savings Account 0232CR0200000002 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
3 Junior Saver 0232CR0200000003 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
4 Basic Savings Account 0232CR0200000004 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
5 AFFIN Gold 0232CR0200000005 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
6 Current Account 0232CR0100000001 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
7 Basic Current Account 0232CR0100000002 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
8 AFFIN Plus/ AFFIN DIVENTIUM Current Account 0232CR0100000003 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
9 AFFIN Gold 0232CR0100000005 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
10 CACPLUS 0232CR0100000006 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
11 CAMRTAR 0232CR0100000007 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
12 CAMRTAB 0232CR0100000008 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
13 CAHOMAX 0232CR0100000009 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
14 CAEPLUS 0232CR0100000010 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
15 AFFIN Smart Money 0232CR0100000011 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
16 CABUMAX 0232CR0100000013 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
17 Foreign Currency Account 0232CF0100000001 Demand Deposit Foreign
18 Normal Fixed deposit / My Second Home Program Fixed Deposit/ AFFIN Fixed Deposit Vault 0232CR0300000001 Fixed Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
19 AFFIN FD Plus 0232CR0300000003 Fixed Deposit Ringgit Malaysia
20 Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit /
My Second Home Program Fixed Deposit
0232CF0300000001 Fixed Deposit Foreign


No Deposit Product Name PIDM Product Code Deposit Type Currency Shariah Contract
1 Basic Saving Account-i 0347IR0200200003 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia Qard
2 Savings Account-i 0347IR0200200006 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia Qard
3 Junior Saver-i 0347IR0200200005 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia Qard
4 Wealth Saver-i 0347IR0200200007 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia Qard
5 AFFIN Gold-i Saving Account 0347IR0200200001 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia Qard
6 AFFIN Grow-i Saving Account 0347IR0200400001 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia Tawarruq
AFFIN Savings Vault-i
A1addin eSaver-i
AFFIN Scholar-i
AFFIN DIVENTIUM Savings Account-i
AFFIN Flexible Savings Plan-i
7 AFFIN Barakah Charity Account-i 0347IR0200400002 Savings Deposit Ringgit Malaysia Tawarruq
8 Basic Current Account-i 0347IR0100200003 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia Qard
9 Current Account-i 0347IR0100200004 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia Qard
10 AFFIN Plus-i 0347IR0100200002 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia Qard
11 AFFIN Gold-i Current Account 0347IR0100200001 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia Qard
12 Foreign Currency Account-i 0347IF0100200001 Demand Deposit Foreign Qard
13 AFFIN Grow-i Current Account 0347IR0100400001 Demand Deposit Ringgit Malaysia Tawarruq
AFFIN Invikta™ Account-i
AFFIN Avance™ Savvy-i
AFFIN DIVENTIUM Current Account-i
14 General Investment Account-i 0347IR0500800001 General Investment Ringgit Malaysia Unrestricted Mudharabah
15 AFFIN ISLAMIC Term Deposit-i 0347IR0600300001 Commodity Murabahah Ringgit Malaysia Murabahah
AFFIN ISLAMIC Term Deposit-i Vault
16 AFFIN ISLAMIC Term Deposit Plus-i 0347IR0600300002 Commodity Murabahah Ringgit Malaysia Murabahah
17 Commodity Murabahah Deposit-i 0347IR0600300003 Commodity Murabahah Ringgit Malaysia Murabahah
18 AFFIN ISLAMIC Foreign Currency Term Deposit-i 0347IF0600300001 Commodity Murabahah Foreign Murabahah
19 Commodity Murabahah Deposit-i in Foreign Currency 0347IF0600300002 Commodity Murabahah Foreign Murabahah

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