Help in reducing monthly electricity bills and increase customer's quality of life.
Credible and Trusted Partners
Only trusted solar PV companies that offer high quality products and services, with proven reliability and financial stability are being appointed as AFFIN’s solar partner.
Solar energy is clean, free of pollutants, emits no greenhouses gasses and help in reducing air pollution that contributes to improved public health in Malaysia.
• Individual of age 21 years to 60 years
• Applicable for landed residential properties which owner occupied /home ownership only.
AFFIN’s Solar Partners
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Partly finance your renovation / restoration / extension cost against property financed under Musharakah Mutanaqisah or finance against unencumbered property.
Switch your residential properties financing from other financial institution to AFFIN ISLAMIC to gain additional excess limit for personal use.
Don't let emergency bills stack up. Get faster access to the funds needed to pay for these expenses.
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